Postively Productive

on January 22, 2020

January may be most known as the time when we make the strongest efforts towards setting our intentions for the year or following through on our new year resolutions…before they tend to drop off of our radar somewhere towards the end of the month. Most of these efforts though are typically focused on our physical appearance because we are surrounded by messages that tell us ‘we’ll feel better at this weight’ or ‘happier at this size’, which is why this month here at FASHOM we are giving you some intention-inspiration straight from our amazing staff on what we are focusing on this year; improvements for ourselves, and no one else. In this blog, we’re honing in on the second-most given response by our staff on what they would like to work on for themselves this year. The answer in this case was improving upon productivity.

There are some days where we wake up in the morning and feel like we can conquer the world with an abounding energy, and yet by the time we go to bed at night, we find there are another 1,000 things left to do. Sometimes this is because we set too many goals for ourselves to fit into just one day and sometimes it is because we find ourselves falling into unproductive habits like starting one thing but not finishing it before moving onto something else or getting distracted easily by our phones. So here are a few tips on how we have started on our productivity goals both at work and at home:

1. Make sleep a priority – Many of us can view sleep as something that can easily be pushed back to fit the schedule we want but what we don’t realize is that putting off sleep can also make us exhausted the next day and seriously impact our productivity. This can then make us fall behind on our regular workload for the day and set a continuous, vicious cycle. Instead of forcing yourself to stay up a few more hours that night, try waking up an hour or two earlier the next morning to help get a jump on the day and leave your sleep schedule in tact.  

2. Set 1 major goal and 1 minor goal each day – Pick one big thing you want to get done for the day (perhaps something for work) and then one small goal for the day (something as simple as picking up vitamins or doing the towel-load of your laundry). What this can do is help you prioritise what you need to get done and what you want to get done whilst also making sure you go to bed feeling like you have achieved something and without overwhelming yourself by trying to do too many things. 

3. Give yourself deadlines – Set specific times you want to accomplish your tasks by each day. When you set a deadline in which to complete a goal by, you are making that goal a focus and can help limit the amount of times you could be distracted throughout the day until your goals have been accomplished. 

*Disclaimer: No references from any other texts have been made throughout this piece. All thoughts and opinions are our own as team members of Fashom. Image retrieved from Pexels.

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